Salam ..semua...takde idea la nak cerita hari nie...ada byk gambar tapi malas la...buat tagging la paling senang sekali...Jom layan...
1)Where is your cell phone?
On the bed wif me...takut ada emergency call ke apa ke..n also utk wake me up in the morning..kalau tak mesti... terbabas...
apa relationship? wif hubby..good...
3)Your hair??
Long hair takat bawah bahu aje...n colored...
boring..tapi..ini rezeki anak2 aku..kena la kerja...
5)Your sisters??
2 sisters only..tapi adik beradik lain mak..ramai...hehehhe
6)Your dream??
alamak apa ek?...dream of being single..boleh?? hahahaha
7)Your favourite thing??
My laptop la...kalau takde boring...sunyi...sebab dari sini boleh online wif frens..old frens...
8)Your favourite drink??
lemon tea wif honey...preferably hot..
9)Your dream car??
yg laju...yg tak yah bayar duit minyak...yg spacious...
10)Your shoes??
apa aje la..asalkan selesa..
11)Your fears??
Hilang org tersayang...hutang banyak...takde duit..takde amal jariah...
12)What do you want to be in 10 years??..
kalau boleh nak naik pangkat la jadik manager ke... senior manager ke...
13)Who did you hang out with last weekend?
Saturday-wif my physioterapist...kan aku sakit lutut...then wif family to sunway and OU..hahahha
Ahad- family la...sunday is a family day...
14)What are you not good at??
memasak....itu yg hubby ku tue kurus kering..
15)One of your wish list items??
Nak kurus cam masa single dulu...boleh ke?
16)Where you grew up??
17)Last thing you did??
18)What are you wearing??
Baju kelawar..nak tidur daa..
19)What aren't you wearing??
dress..alamak tak boleh la..nanti nampak cam bungkus....@#$%%..hahahahha
20)Your pet??
None..takut wif kucing...ssshhhh
21)Your computer??
Hp compaq
22)Your life??..
alhamdullilah dgn rezeki dari Allah
24)What are you thinking about right now?
What if I sakit...? tak boleh jalan..sapa nak jaga aku nanti..sedihnya...
25)Your car??.
Keta buatan malaysia
26)Your kitchen??.
bersepah sikit...banyak barang..
27)Your favourite colour??
Hitam, brown and Red
28)Last time you laughed??
Kat umah la..wif Fara nie...mcm2 gelagat...
29)Last time you cried??
Cuba pendamkan dlm hati...sedih dlm hati nie takde sapa tau...kecuali allah..
in love wif laptop n books
31)Who wants to share their ONE'S?How about?.
tak nak..mana's mine laa...
thank to
my precious...yg bagi least ada la cerita utk hari nie..hehheheh
Till then..
Mama Azlina is signing always,
Mama Azlina