Menu on 4th day.
Breakfast - HL F1 and nesvita
Lunch - mee bandung
malam - roti cicah kari ayam and makan sayur.
and minum air- 4 litre a day..
Menu on 5th day
Breakfast - HL F1 and nesvita
Lunch - yong tau foo soup
malam - mee ladna, makan buah tomato cherry
and air - 3.5 litre...
Here is my latest pic..
hope by Feb tahun depan kecik sikit size aku nie...setakat baju aku beli kat JJ brand scarlet plus no 20. hope dpt pakai scarlet more plus-plus...hehehhehe
sesapa nak join challenge is the last day(5/11/2009)...
ok..wish me luck...
love always,
Mama Azlina
Hai.. saya dah collect gambar.. tapi jangan lupa gambar timbang
zel: ok...boleh post nanti tak?
terbaek!!!!!! chaiyok na chaiyok!
good luck kak :)
gudluck ..azlina..u can do it.
all the best sis...
i know u can do it...
ayu: ko peneman aku dlm cabaran ni...
Lyn : thanks..
atty's: thanks a zillion
rasp: itula..insya'allah..
slm kak
slmt ber 99HTN
noradzlina:thank u..
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