Hari ni aku nak cerita pasal my mom's birthday which jatuh on 17th July..Kami sekeluarga, my youngest sister, mom and dad gi convoi ke 1 steamboat restaurant kat Sunway..restaurant nie dekat Sunn Inns hotel near sunway lagoon..This is the 1st time kami gi tempat nie..tapi for suhana dah berkali-kali dia dtg...Cuma tina aje takde coz last week tue dia dah mai dah..so, takpe la kot...
Restaurant nie konsepnya ala buffet..mcm2 ada...tapi main course is steamboat la..they served chicken soup and tomyam..ok la..murah pun murah...rm19 for adult, rm8.90 for children, children below 7yrs free. eat all U can...tempatnya cosy..siap beraircond lagi..banyak dessert antaranya ice cream, abc, longan with lychee..sodap...best la...
Jom kita jamu tengok gambar...
My dad..dah lama tak bawak dia kuar makan..seronok gak...tapi tak boleh selalu kesini..dia ada gout...actually tak leh makan seafood..tapi my mom n dad suka makan steamboat..bawak aje la..cuma kena control sikit la makannya...
Aku secretly beli cake to celebrate my mom's birthday..aku beli kat baker's cottage kat umah aku nie..sodap gak cakenya...tak la mahal sgt...bought a small one coz dorang nie mana nak makan yg manis-manis...once a while okay la...
tengok sibuk makan...
yg nie sauce and etc....
the soups..chicken soup n tomyam..segala macam seafood ada..balitong, ketam, udang...n banyak lagi...they enjoyed...
sempat berposing bagai...lepas makan semua..now is the time for us to celebrate her birthday..we also celebrated dad's father's day which kami tak sempat celebrate coz masing2 semua sibuk..sorry abah..tapi kami tetap ingat all the special days...we love u abah and mak!!
loving couple...potong cake sesama...actually we sang birthday song..mak kata sebelum tue tak yah nyanyi la..kita potong aje cake kat rumah..aku kata tak best la...
gambar fara ada..tak lupa...dia nie sibuk mkan udang aje...minum sup...makan cokelat...
ini brochurenya...tengok "all u can eat"..wow best..kena datang lagi nie...
Ok ..semua kita jumpa kat next diary k???
happy b'day...!!!
saya pun kdg2 kesian kat mak ayah asyik dok umahhhh je.tapi keje saya time wknd pun wajib..benci...
happy birthday aunt! they are look so lovely.
yup, cake from bakery cottage mmg sedap compare to secret recipe. rasa dia xde la sweet sgt
nice mkn kt flamming tuh..
byk sgt pilihan..
so leh makan smpai kenyang..
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